Friday, June 29, 2012

This Girl...

Let me tell you a bit about my friend Emily. Not only is she gorgeous and funny but she has the biggest heart of anyone you will ever meet. I know people say that all the time about people. You get it right? She's cool. No, I'm serious...she's the most generous, friendly person you will meet.

Emma Pants

To prove it to you let me tell you about her birthday. Given the occasion and our community it's fairly common for people to put together shows to celebrate. Well that's what she did, but with a twist. This party wasn't for her. It was for the Childrens Autism Society.

She made this birthday mean something. Not only to her but to a bunch of kids who will probably never see her face. That's what makes Emily happy, though. The idea of making other people happy or giving them something they didn't previously have is what keeps her going.

She invited Birds with Teeth, Modern Primitives, the Thoughtcriminals, and the SouthSide Punx to lure in a crowd.

SouthSide Punx
the Thoughtcriminals

She also threw together a raffle. As with all raffles people paid for tickets and won prizes. Her raffle? A few gift bags with lots of fun goodies and gift cards (read: cash) and a Playstation 3 (plus a PS move). Yep. Things people actually want. Like...crave. Things people see in stores and go..."Man, I wish I had a little extra cash. I'd totally buy that." Somebody went home with those things. She did it not only to raise more money for the Childrens Autism Society but also to give back to her friends and the people who came out in support. Who else does that?

Just this girl, that's who.
This show raised a thousand dollars and she didn't keep any of it. She gave all to those kids. She gave away cash and prizes to the people at the show and she helped our favorite club raise a little money for themselves.

Modern Primitives

Most people these days can't stop thinking about themselves long enough to consider helping someone change a tire or get something down off a high shelf at a store. Some people think about the people in their life and help in any way they can. Some people give to charity and to homeless people. Emily wants all those people to have all she can give.

If you see her out buy her a drink. I can promise you she'll get you back and you'll probably laugh together and talk. You'll leave knowing you've made a new friend.

And maybe she'll buy you a corn dog.

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